воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.


Now I also have the correct chipset support. Everything runs well in text mode, even connecting a external standard monitor the graf. I now use or used, before Norton Disk Doctor corrupted my Linux partition the last time - don't ask me how but I'm sure it is its fault since I was able to corrupt Linux three times only by opening three times NDDoctor and rebooting afterwards to check Linux Mandrake 9. After you have found the right driver for your device and operating system, follow these simple instructions to install it. From cold boot, beeping is heard from the this notebook but can be stopped by pressing the break key. The college eats all the money I don't buy food with. BB code is On.
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It says that either the conexanh is not plugged it is internal so Having a problem logging in? If a language option is given, select your language. Any help on how to make it work would be appreciated. Follow the directions on the installation program screen.

Try the Automatic Driver Update Utilityor you can request a driver and we will find it for you.

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Sorry about the wish list. I am having a problem getting RH9 comexant run on my Compaq Presario Thank you Reply to this comment. You can shoot me a message if your'e game. I am looking for Modem driver of my Compaq presario Model EA any of you can help me in that please.

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Windows 10, Windows 8. Now I also have the correct chipset support. It must have been a MS-Linux certified shop! Save the settings and reboot.

I'm newborn to Linux and don't have anyone who lives near me to help me out so I'm on my own. Hey Man, I am having the same exact problem with linux on the compq as you, Did u ever figure out how to fix it?

Found the page via Google, you cojpaq me another 9 hours of fighting sound probs. Fedora overheating my Compaq Presario laptop. I can't change my resolution: I have tried to use linuxant software with my windows driver for WiFi without success.

I tied SuSE 9.

How to Install Drivers After you have found the right driver for your connexant and operating system, follow these simple instructions to install it. But I didn't find it.

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I now use or used, before Norton Disk Doctor corrupted my Linux partition the last time - don't ask me how but I'm sure it is its fault since I was able to corrupt Linux three times only by opening three times NDDoctor and rebooting afterwards to check Linux Mandrake 9.

Input Devices mouse, etc.

Thanx Rammand Reply to this comment. When I tell the thing to dial up, it just hangs. If it copmaq when you first boot up and you are using a frame buffered terminal there is a little penguin in the upper left corner then change your lilo.

It works on my Debian without any problems You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. Please visit this page to clear all LQ-related cookies. This prsario the issue and you can boot no problem. Note that registered members see fewer ads, and ContentLink is completely disabled once you log in.

Hope this will help you out:

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