воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.


In this case, the technology used is "Super Link. Probably because it uses the same set of drivers for both. This is exactly what happened to me last week, I put a blank disk in the drive to burn an image, and both my DVD burner and my CD burners vanished! It seems that USB 2 and firewire on Windows is just slow. Large drive for a low price Large drive for a low price by Dong Ngo. I did it from here: Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon.
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The best deals from Amazon's one-day storage sale Amazon slashed prices on some 20 gsa-1h0n. Write a customer review. This is exactly what happened to me last week, I put a blank disk in the drive to burn an image, and both my DVD burner and my CD burners vanished!

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So, I deleted both Optical drives and let them re-detect. No Problem, CD burning works great. I am using XP x Cos there was none last I knew of. Would you like to tell us about a lower price?

: LG GSA-H10N 16X Super-Multi Internal DVD Rewriter: Electronics

Most of the specs below have been taken from LG's website and the guide that came with the drive. Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. Vsa-h10n by Rick Broida Oct 24, For warranty information about this product, please click here.

Here is what I use for these activities:. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic.

HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H10N killed by JJ11 and JL?!? - LG burner - Club Myce - Knowledge is Power

How many pins THAT may be the source of your problems. If there is a database of good, useful and tested freewares on these forums, HT Fireman is a good piece of advise.

Once again, here is my system: That made a big improvement in read and verify speeds. Feedback If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? I will not be turning back.

In this case, the technology used is "Super Link. Haha - as you can see the Discs are the catch because they cost a bomb - but anyway you have a right to know that this technology exists and also that it is easier to use Direct copy; no compression. Newegg keeps the Black Friday spirit alive with more deals for Cyber Monday. I Noticed this right away:.

View Cart Proceed to checkout. When I eject it it was displaying my DVD device again.

I experienced very high quality burns but never got much true speed. For this review we used firmware versions DL10 and DL If the OP had some issues with firmware upgrade, I am not sure….

Storage by Rick Broida Sep 26, Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews.

Buffer Under Run Free Technology. These are the ones you should grab. JL10 is not available for download. Itlights up green when the drive is reading or writing. Probably because it uses the same set of drivers for both.

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