вторник, 25 февраля 2020 г.


This driver features querying the printer status and page counter, a suggestion made by Bruno Schoedlbauer, who also pointed me to a nice USB sniffer for Windows 98 and up by Benoit Papillault. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. In the search for new printers menu connecting the printer to a port before giving search when the computer recognizes Konica minolta page pro O You should also save the file that contains the root password but I can't remember what it's called, so I just do the 'sudo passwd' command each time before I go into the CUPS webadmin. Originally Posted by michaelk Welcome to LinuxQuestions. Click Continue, and you'll get to select the device. As many can tell you around here, just because I posted a "How I did it
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When you make changes to a printer via CUPS it's not always real-time.

Re: Drivers for Konica Minolta Pagepro 1350W

Linux - Software This forum is for Software issues. For more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration. I currently don't know how to make it a default printer in the CUPS control panel 13500w think if it's the only printer set up, it's automatically default, but otherwise Last edited by wanado7; at BB code is On. Open firefox and go to the address http: I'm aware for now its a Windows-only printer.

Post your question in this forum.

Join our community today! Ponder why you ever left that Windows environment for pageproo harsh world Click the name of your new printer, and Configure Printer if you don't like those defaults, and Print Test Page to try it out. If you need to reset your password, click here.

Do an 'ls' command to list the files in the directory. You should be asked for a user id and password. Want to know which application is best for the job? You're very close to getting your printer setup 9 Move everything into it's proper directory.

There is no Minolta show up.

PagePro 1350W

They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own. Even though this program has been designed with care and much thought, no one can guarantee that this program will not damage your printer, computer or even your neighbour's car, because it was built without knowing exactly how things work, it's only a hopefully reasonable guess.

Minolta PagePro W in Linux. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. It's called min12xxw yes, I know, that says min12xxw, but it works on the 13xxW printers tooand it's at http: And my neighbour hasn't complained either Now, you need to set up the printer.

Min12xxw was written without any documentation from the manufacturer. Did you select the right USB connection? Join our community today!

Here's what I save: If you have comments to make or know more knica the format than I do, please share your thoughts and your knowledge.

Find More Posts by wla.

Driver: min12xxw | OpenPrinting - The Linux Foundation

So don't get too excited. Therefore it 1350 recommended to use Adobe's PostScript driver. Find More Posts by mtrp. OK, at this point you have the PPD file and two foomatic files downloaded and saved in your home directory and the source code tarball for the driver downloaded and saved in your home directory.

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